Microsoft Azure for Cloud Administrator and MS Certification Exam AZ-103

Category: Cloud Computing

Microsoft Azure for Cloud Administrator and MS Certification Exam AZ-103

  • : 38hours
  • Course Valid : 90 days
  • 4.5
  • : ₹14988
  • Description
  • Curriculum
  • Instructors

Course Details

This is an online course with self-paced learning videos intended for fresher or IT professionals who would like to give Microsoft Certification Exam AZ-103 or implement azure infrastructure solutions.

This course concentrates on:

·         Azure Management Tools

·         Virtual Machines

·         Virtual Networks

·         Cloud Storages

·         Azure Databases

·         Azure Active Directories

·         Web Apps and Cloud Services

The fundamentals will touch and introduce students to cloud services and various Azure services .It describes how to use the Azure portal to access and manage Azure Services and to manage Azure subscription and billing. After completing this course, students will be able describe cloud computing, Azure and its various services and manage them from Azure portal along with subscription and billing.

The management tools section explains Azure PowerShell and its use in managing Azure Subscriptions. It also describes how to use the Azure SDK and the Azure CLI to manage Azure Subscriptions and also Azure SDK, Azure CLI to manage your Azure Subscriptions.

We also creating and configuring Virtual Machines and managing disks for virtual machines using Azure Portal, understanding functionalities of VM and configuring storages for VM.

We also go through creating and implementing of virtual networks and how to use their components to enhance the resiliency and availability of virtual machines, which helps students in understanding and describing the purpose and functionality of virtual networks to creating virtual networks of their own. Also, students will come to know the implementation of Azure Load Balancer.

Under cloud storages we will be creating, managing and configuring Azure storage accounts and blob storages with complete insights.

In Azure databases we will explore the options available for storing relational data in Azure. Also we will see on how to use SQL database and to create, configure and manage SQL databases in Azure.

In Azure Active Directories we will be creating users, tenants, domains and directories in Azure AD, integrate applications with Azure AD and use multi factor Authentication.

The opportunity in cloud computing is clear. Most companies are implementing or investigating on how to implement cloud technologies within their operations. Be ready for the opportunity to advance your career.


  • Basics in Netowrking
  • Basics in Server Adminstration (linux, Windows, PowerShell, HTML, CSS, Jscript, Sql DB)
  • A free or paid subscription to Azure

Skills Acquired

  • Implementation of websites,VMs ,Cloud Services, Virtual Networks, Azure AD
  • Express Route, Scalesets,VPN,Peering,Load Balancer,Powershell
  • Knowledge to clear AZ-103


Answer: You certainly can. Curriculum of this course includes that.
Answer: Yes. These are self paced learning videos. You can access according to your convenience.
Answer: Absolutely. Contact DataScientists institute using messaging dashboard in your profile after enrolling in this course for more details.
Answer: As the complete course is comprised of self paced learning videos, refund is not available. But for further clarification please email to


Institute Description

We enable you to impart IT education, learning and teaching services to interact with individual students, learners and corporate organizations across the world while imparting IT training courses and programs. We provide you an efficient opportunity to learn the world-class teaching models in IT training arena.

Instructor Details

Senthil Rajesh K

Thank you so much shanker sir .This course and his detailed explanation of Azure concepts helped me in clearing AZ-103 exam. Thank you.

Uday Kiran

If you are like me without any cloud computing knowledge and wanted to become a cloud administrator (Azure), this is the course I would recommend. 10/10

Subash Kumar

Thank you sir, very well explained. Thanks Datascientist for providing job assistance till I got it.

Potluri Srikanth

Great Explanation by Shanker sir. From Demo class to installation of the necessary softwares to all the minute details, clearly exlplained. I highly recommend for someone who is planning to shift their career to server administration side.